CZ 75 P-01 9mm is back in the shop
The CZ 75 P-01 is back in the shop! These are some of my favorite sidearms. Just small enough to conceal on an every day basis and just big enough to run your round count up on training days and not beat up your hand. The ergonomics...
New Smith & Wesson Model 642 Deluxe
The new Smith & Wesson Model 642 Deluxe is a five shot .38spl with an extended grip that allows you to get your whole hand on the weapon. This version of the weapon comes with the Croc pattern on the grips which is an exclusive for...
KEL-TEC CMR30 and Sub2K in G19 Variant
The KEL-TEC CMR30 and Sub2K in G19 Variant landed at the shop today. There is a lot of fun and versatility designed into these weapons, and a price point that always puts a smile on peoples faces to boot....
Unfired LWRC M6-SPR Mod 0 Complete Package
This unfired LWRC M6-SPR Mod 0 is the complete package. This is out of the same collection I've been buying into that has brought in a bunch of unfired high end weapons. Just like all of the other weapons from this collection, there...
Used Gem – Smith & Wesson SW1911TA
This used gem is a Smith & Wesson SW1911TA government size 1911 chambered in .45acp. This is not an E-Series constructed out of Scandium. This is a full steel frame and slide. She comes standard with tritium night sights and an...
Kel-Tec CP33 Pistols have arrived
Kel-Tec CP33 Pistols have arrived in the shop. CP stands for Competition Pistol and 33, well… it holds a staggering 33 rounds in each magazine, right out of the box. Equipped with a Picatinny-style top rail and a MAGPUL® M-LOK® slot...
GLOCK 43X in all black just landed
The GLOCK 43X in all black has finally landed in the shop. This is a great every day carry weapon that now comes in a more appropriate EDC color for concealment. 9mm with 10 round magazines and a very slim profile make for a...
9KT PTR 603 9mm Sub-Gun w/ Folding Arm Brace
The 9KT PTR 603 is a well engineered clone of the H&K SP5K sub gun. This one comes with the SBT5Ka folding arm brace. The 9KT model features an M-LOK compatible aluminum handguard with attached finger guard....
Used Gem – Magnum Research Desert Eagle .44mag
This used gem is a Magnum Research Desert Eagle chambered in .44mag. This weapon is in pristine shape and comes with everything that came from the factory. The Mark XIX Desert Eagle is a gas-operated, semi-automatic pistol with an 8...
Summer Specials on Used Weapons
There are some great Summer Specials on Used Weapons here at the shop. It's a great time to pickup a new home defense weapon here at Gunshine Arms!...