Traumatic Injury & Field Interventions Course + B-CON Certification
Most of us have been glued to the news between the recent election and all of the terror related events that transpire in our world every day. We live in a day and age where personal safety & security is neither promised nor guaranteed and many individuals feel the need to be better informed and more self-sufficient. Take into consideration the old saying “when seconds count, help is only minutes away”. That same ethos which we use when we think about home or self defense also applies for our response to traumatic injuries. Whether these injuries are sustained by loved ones, ourselves, or complete strangers…wouldn’t you rather have some cards up your sleeve if things go sideways? I know I want more knowledge than I have and I want it delivered by a professional with decades of experience treating these kinds of injuries. That brings us to this course. Our original Traumatic Injury and Field Intervention Course will now incorporate the Nationally Accepted B-CON Certification Curriculum. This Course will be given on Sunday February 19th from 12Noon – 4pm.
The Traumatic Injury & Field Intervention Course is designed to get an individual acquainted with the equipment contained in today’s industry standard trauma kits, also commonly referred to as a “blow out kit”. We will be focusing on injury specific treatment modalities driven by various types of emergency situations including trauma from gun shot wounds, edged weapon wounds and concussion injuries resulting from proximity to explosion.
The B-CON (Bleeding Control) Course that is being incorporated into our standard course was developed in response to efforts by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to increase collaboration between law enforcement, the fire service and EMS in responding to active shooter/IED/mass casualty events. ( B-Con is consistent with the recommendations of the Hartford Consensus on Improving Survival from Active Shooter Events. The Hartford Consensus recommends that an integrated active shooter response should include the critical actions contained in the acronym THREAT:
- Threat
- Hemorrhage control
- Rapid Extrication to safety
- Assessment by medical providers
- Transport to definitive care
The Hartford Consensus Group recommends that the response to a traumatic incident, whether involving an active shooter or some other cause of injury, in fact begins with bystander response. It is with this in mind that the B-Con course was developed and is now being offered here at Gunshine Arms. You will receive a B-CON Course Certificate upon completion of this course.
Although many kits are commercially available, this course will be geared toward North American Rescue’s Tactical Operator Response Kit (TORK). You will be required to bring an individual emergency kit to the course. If you do not have a TORK kit, one will be provided for you at wholesale cost when you attend.
Topics covered will include but not be limited to: basic anatomy & physiology, mechanism of injury, wound care and other various medical interventions. It is our goal that you are able to take away the knowledge, skills & ability to help yourself or others during an emergency situation. The course is approximately 3hrs and will include both lecture and hands on learning (practice stations).
*** WARNING***
Parts of this course may cover extremely graphic situations.
Please consult with the shop if you have any questions regarding the class or its content prior to enrollment. The cost of the course will be $200 per person and the advanced TORK kits will be sold to students who attend at wholesale cost. Please contact the shop at 561-756-8415 or for reservations!
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