Today at the Navy Seal Memorial

Today at the Navy Seal Memorial

IMG_6655I had the privilege of attending the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Navy Seal Museum ( in Ft. Pierce today.  Few days have the power to change my perspective at this age.  Today was one of them.

I have always understood the significance of Memorial Day.  The change in my perspective today is not in how I perceive our day of remembrance,  but in how I see the world we live in every day.  I am both an optimist and a pessimist depending on what you would like to discuss.  When thinking about the small sphere of life that I interact with every day,  the optimism that I have tends to be about the people that I choose to keep close to me and the pessimism relates to the people that I intentionally keep at arms length.

IMG_6671Sometimes when considering the larger world that we are all a part of, there are so many variables that are shrouded in so much misinformation that it is difficult to stay optimistic.  Listening to the men that spoke today, I find a renewed sense of optimism because of the caliber and depth of the men that shared their experiences.  The fact that these few who spoke today represent a larger brotherhood of men like themselves is enough to make a patriots heart soar.

The first part of todays ceremony took place in front of the Navy Seal Memorial. The second part of the ceremony was held at the Medal Of Honor Statue.  I got to hear Senior Chief Ed Byers speak today.  Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Edward C. Byers Jr. was awarded the Medal of Honor for actions during Operation Enduring Freedom on Dec. 8, 2012.  To put things in perspective, there have been just over 3,500 Medal of Honor recipients in the entire history of our military and over 1.1 Million members of the U.S. Armed Forces have fallen in service to our country during that same time.  There is video below of his speech.  You will have to turn the volume up as there was quite a crowd today.  It’s worth your time to watch.

I will continue to try to raise awareness for the Navy Seal Museum and the Memorial that resides there.  Part of that push is writing pieces like this for you to read, but I am also trying to provide actual support to the Memorial as well.  There are still 24 tickets left for the Raffle that will help support the Memorial (  Please take a minute to see what I’m trying to do.  You will have a chance to win one of the best optics available for your rifle and support the Navy Seal Memorial at the same time.  Few things in life are win/win.  This is one of them.

Please take a couple of minutes and watch the video below.  As always, thank you for reading the Blog at