The Winning Raffle Ticket is Number 15!

The Winning Raffle Ticket is Number 15!

Good evening all.  Today was a great day!  The amazing folks at the National UDT Navy Seal Museum ( opened up for us on a day off in order for Gunshine Arms to conduct it’s Raffle of the ELCAN Spectre DR Optic.  I took a lot of video and photos today and have had to narrow it down to the segments that make the most sense for everyone who participated.  I would like to thank all of my clients and friends who purchased a ticket.  The reason that I rode up to the Museum for the drawing is that I know all of you very well and it didn’t seem correct for me to conduct the drawing myself.

All of you helped the shop make a donation of $3,000.00 directly to the National UDT Navy SEAL Memorial which is located at the Museum.  It is the only Memorial in the world dedicated solely to the fallen Navy SEAL brotherhood of warriors.  We all think of Navy SEAL’s as supermen, and to a large extent they are, but they are human and they have families.  The Museum, the Memorial, and Trident House operate together under one banner to honor those that have fallen, and provide some solace for those that are left behind.  Together, we have made a donation that will help keep the Memorial in the manner that these fallen warriors and their families deserve.  Thank you to all who participated.  Only one of you won the optic, but all of you helped to make a difference.

Enjoy the show!  Congratulations to Sean P. who is the holder of winning Ticket #15!

Thank you to Phil for conducting the Raffle Drawing, to Lisa and Raven for accepting the donation to the Memorial on behalf of Gunshine Arms, and to Ken (Master Chief Ret.)  for providing a single barrel whiskey conducive to writing about the experience today at the museum.









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