Our thoughts and prayers go out to the San Bernardino Community…

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the San Bernardino Community…

imgresimgres-1The thoughts and prayers of everyone that makes Gunshine Arms possible go out to victims of the attack that took place yesterday, and their families.  Thankfully, the people that conducted this attack are dead.  The Law Enforcement Community appears to be moving quickly and efficiently to determine if these attackers had logistical assistance to execute their plan.  We wish the LEO’s happy hunting.

Our world has been changing into what we see now since the early 1990s with regard to terrorism.  The methods and desired effects of todays terrorists are very different now from what they once were.  The new reality presents a lot of challenges for civilians and law enforcement alike.  When things get very complex, sometimes it pays to dumb it down a little.  As people, we need to be vigilant.  Be aware of your surroundings and where the people that are important to you are situated.  Be aware of exit locations when you are in public places.  Try to have a bigger picture view of where you are at all times.  Defend yourself and your loved ones.

We live in a time where there are a lot of forces trying to divide the American people.  A divided people are easier to manage politically.  These attacks are against everyone that calls the United States of America home.  Keep that in mind and remember Law Enforcement and First Responders are there for you when you need them.

As always, thank you for reading the Blog at gunshinearms.com