Have you seen the “Freedom from Fear Act”? You need to…

Have you seen the “Freedom from Fear Act”?  You need to…

Have you seen the “Freedom From Fear Act”?  You haven’t?  You can read the bill at the link provided here (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-114hr5615ih/pdf/BILLS-114hr5615ih.pdf) but let me tell you about it.  On the opening Friday of our Independence Day Weekend, this Freedom From Fear Act bill was introduced with no fanfare or publicity. This Bill is an attempt to revive the 1994 semi-automatic weapon ban, and it was propelled onto the floor of the House of Representatives by representatives of the Democratic Party from right here in Florida. The Representatives from left to right are Alan Grayson 9TH DISTRICT, Representative  Larry Lee, Jr. from Port St. Lucie, and Corrine Brown 5TH DISTRICT.  Please remember those names and faces at election time.

I find the name that they have associated with this bill (Freedom From Fear Act) entertaining considering all of these people have armed security that protect them with….wait for it….semi-automatic weapons!  Why do they need armed security if you or I shouldn’t have the ability to protect ourselves in the same manner that they are protected?  These are three homegrown Florida politicians who were elected to Represent our interests.  I will remind you to remember these folks at election time.

It’s the politicians motto never to waste a crisis, and Florida certainly suffered a tragedy in Orlando some three weeks ago.  We seem to have come to a point in this country where it’s wrong to place blame or responsibility on the person(s) responsible for some horrible act because it’s not politically correct.  Instead, it’s easier to blame the tool that was used instead of the person that used said tool.  To blame the person begs the question…WHY DID HE DO WHAT HE DID?   The answer is seldom suitable in an election year.

The Bill was put forward on the opening Friday of Independence Day weekend…at a moment when most Americans would not be paying attention to Congress.  It’s also a moment when members of Congress are historically enjoying one of their many summer homes paid for by special interest money…not working.  I give them credit for putting in the time to actually do what they view as their job even though they don’t represent my interests.  You know it’s an election year when people in the House of Representatives are working a politically charged motive on the opening Friday of a three day weekend.

Please remember to vote this year.  Please remember the names and faces of these folks from right here in Florida when you do.  As always, thank you for reading the Blog at gunshinearms.com