GLOCK 43 vs. MP9 SHIELD on 7/23/15…
Good morning all. The shop has a bunch of new entries today but we are going to get started with two of the fastest sellers on a weekly basis. The GLOCK 43 and the Smith & Wesson MP9 Shield. Both weapons are on a revolving door here and with good reason. If you are looking for a concealed carry weapon in 9mm, both would be great choices. Both are single stack, 9mm DAO semi-auto pistols. The MP9 Shield affords you a little extra capacity as she comes with one 7 round and one 8 round magazine. The GLOCK 43 comes with two 6 round magazines. The barrel on the GLOCK 43 is 3.39″ with an overall weapon length of 6.26″. The barrel on the MP9 Shield is 3.1″ with an overall weapon length of 6.1″. What that doesn’t tell you is the length from the top of
the slide to the bottom of the inserted magazine (distance from top to bottom). This is the part of the weapon that you will need to worry about concealing as the barrel will more than likely be inside your waist band. The GLOCK 43 is almost .5″ shorter which will make it easier to conceal, but like everything with firearms…the trade off is the extra rounds. Now comes opinion. The trigger on the GLOCK 43 is crisper than the MP9 Shield. The GLOCK feels like a more solid weapon to me but then again it comes with a slightly higher price tag too. You can’t go wrong either way. When people ask me which one they should buy, my answer is always the same. Whichever one feels more comfortable in your hand. If the weapon is not comfortable in your hand in the shop, it’s not going to be comfortable in your hand when you want, or need, to use it.
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