GLOCK 43 & Ruger GP100 3″ on 7/15/15…


GLOCK 43 & Ruger GP100 3″ on 7/15/15…



GLOCK 43Good morning all.  This post has two weapons that couldn’t be more different from each other.  Today brings another GLOCK 43 into the shop.  These weapons were released by GLOCK a couple of months ago and have taken the concealed carry market by storm.  These are single stack 9mm pistols that are so slim and small that they just about disappear in an inside the waistband holster.  The shop has sold many of these pistols and my clients have all had glowing reports about this weapon.  If you are in the market for a concealed carry weapon, come put this sidearm in your hand.


RUGER GP100 3INCHNext up is the Ruger GP100 revolver.  She has a 3″ barrel and a six shot capacity.  While the 6″ and the 4″ versions of this weapon are fairly common, the 3″ are somewhat hard to come by.  Chambered in .357 magnum and capable of shooting .38spl, these weapons have the combination of being able to use the the ridiculous stopping power of .357mag for defense and the more economical .38spl for target shooting.  She has a solid steel frame with the stainless finish and a nice big comfortable set of black rubber grips.  The shop has a very nice selection of wheel guns right now and this weapon sports some great bang for your buck.

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