Custom Wilson Combat Scattergun 12ga…

Wilson Combat ScattergunAre you looking to treat yourself to something truly unique this Christmas season?  This Custom Wilson Combat Scattergun might be just what you are looking for!  This is actually my shotgun.  I need to make room in the safe for another purchase.  This started out life as a stock Remington 870 about 25 years ago.  Five years ago, it got sent off to Wilson Combat for their Custom Scattergun treatment.  Last year, I put a bunch more money into it for another treatment from Blackhawk Custom LLC.  Every component on this weapon has been upgraded to the best (and toughest) available between the two treatments.  This is the finest pump action 12 gauge I’ve ever put my hands on.  It can be yours.  Come down to the shop and take a look at her.  I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

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