COMCAST Phone and Internet Service is down…

COMCAST Phone and Internet Service is down…

imgresIf you are thinking about COMCAST as a service provider, please do yourself a favor and think again.  The standard Monthly COMCAST Phone and Internet Service is down message is in effect.  The shop phone number is forwarded to my cell phone so please be patient if you don’t get me on the first attempt.

It’s mind boggling that this company even exists anymore.  If you stop paying your bill, they shut down your service.  If they stop providing you with service, you have no recourse.  The damages to a small business are literally in the 10’s of thousands of dollars this year thanks to the breach of contract by COMCAST in not being able to live up to their responsibility of providing phone lines and internet at $180/month.

It would be nice if COMCAST could get their act together please and especially during outages it would also be nice if they could hire some people to answer the phone that I can understand.  As always, thank you for reading the Blog at