Clinton Campaign Office Opened Next to Gunshine Arms…

Clinton Campaign Office Opened Next to Gunshine Arms…


Good morning all.  Today is a strange morning here at Gunshine Arms and I would bet that the next 60 days are going to be just as strange.  Election season is one of my least favorite stretches of time every four years.  It tends to bring out the divide and vitriol in people which is saying something considering how much divide and vitriol the current administration and the media that supports its agenda has stoked in these United States of America over the last 8 years.  The concept of campaigning is to intentionally create divide in order to obtain a desired result.  In this instance, a choice for who will be the next president of these United States of America.  Choice is the word I would like to focus on this morning.  Boca Raton maybe a small city geographically but there is no shortage of commercial real estate.  The Hillary Clinton Campaign has apparently decided that the correct location for their campaign office in the city where I both live and operate my business is directly next to Gunshine Arms.  This past Friday, the campaigners took every parking space in the lot here which prevented my clients from gaining access to Gunshine Arms.

This business supports my family.  To say that Hillary Clinton is opposed to my chosen profession would be an understatement.  The choice to open a campaign office next to the only functional gun shop in our city is not a coincidence.  Her campaign can attempt to sway voters and interfere with the only gun shop in town.  You have to love it when a politician makes a direct overture to interfere with a small business in a state she’s losing ground in.  I’m going to say it again. THIS BUSINESS SUPPORTS MY FAMILY.  This is a public notice that my surveillance cameras cover my store front and the parking lot in front of my shop.  Any attempt to interfere with the day to day operations of this business will be recorded and then directed to the proper authorities.  

To my patrons, please let me know if you are interfered with in any way while trying to access or conduct business in Gunshine Arms.  Politics is dirty business.  My business runs clean.  With your help, it will continue to function the way it always has.  As always, thank you for reading the Blog at