Ruger American Predator .308 18″ Threaded 11/13/15…
This weapon is a great value for a hunting weapon and she's doubly attractive with the threaded barrel, especially after Florida passed the regulation that allows hunting with suppressors. Come by and take a look!...
Glock 19 Gen4 Grey Frame & Sig Sauer P238 Extreme 11/13/15…
Happy Friday the 13th all!!! Great weapons from GLOCK and Sig Sauer in today. Come by the shop and take a look around. There is some great inventory sitting here waiting for you....
New SIG SAUER P225 Single Stack 9mm 11/12/15…
The product development team at Sig Sauer always puts a smile on my face and I love when they get nostalgic. The re-release of the Sig Sauer P225 is here. DA/SA Small Single Stack 9mm with an SRT Trigger!...
Savage A17 Semi-Auto Rifles on 11/12/15…
The Savage A17 is a great semi-auto .17hmr rifle with an even greater price point. Amazing bang for the buck here. Come by and take a look!...
Walther PPQ .45acp & Springfield XDM9 Threaded 11/12/15…
The new Walther PPQ .45acp is an instant WANT for anybody that loves a .45acp sidearm and the Springfield XDM9 Threaded is one of the best values on the market for a full size threaded 9mm pistol....
Veterans Day at SWAT Roundup International…
I spent Veterans Day at SWAT Roundup International up in Orlando. Awesome day as many SWAT Operators are also Vets. Lots of pics and videos inside. Enjoy!...
The shop will be closed in observance of Veterans Day
Thank you to all who have served our great nation so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have. Veterans should be honored every day, but especially on the 11th. Remember to thank a Vet for their service!...
Sunday Morning Concealed Carry Class at Gunshine Arms…
Just wanted to say thank you to all who came out early this morning for a great Concealed Carry Class here at Gunshine Arms. Have a great weekend all!...
Sig Sauer 1911 Army Compact C3 .45acp 11/6/15…
Sig Sauer has kept the industry hopping with all of the new releases lately and the Sig Sauer 1911 Army Compact C3 is the new kid on the block this week. Please click on the photo for details! The newly re-released P225 will be here...
GLOCK 43 TALO, GLOCK 42, GLOCK 26 GEN4 FDE on 11/3/15…
Some great weapons designed for Concealed Carry landed in the shop today from GLOCK. All ideal choices that will suit people with different concealment parameters and hand sizes. Come by and pick one up! Please click on the photo...