Thank you to all who participated in the Raffle!
Thank you to all who participated in the Raffle to benefit the National UDT Navy SEAL Memorial in Ft. Pierce. Please click on the photo for a message from Gunshine Arms....
The shop will OPEN for normal hours on Tuesday 8/30/16…
Thank you all for your patience while the new roof was being tarred. The shop will OPEN for normal hours on Tuesday 8/30/16. Look forward to seeing you all. Lots of great equipment coming in this week!...
Shop will be closed Saturday 8/27/16…
The shop will be closed today, Saturday August 26th, due to fumes from the tarring of the roof of our building. I never like closing the door but the breathing conditions are not safe for us inside the shop at the moment. Please...
The shop is technically OPEN today, but….
Good morning all!!! The shop is technically OPEN today, but there is currently upside down Caution Tape blocking my entrance. You have to love advanced notice about these types of things.....I'll keep you posted....
The Winning Raffle Ticket is Number 15!
Please click on the photo to see the events of today. Congratulations to Sean P. who is the holder of winning Ticket #15 and the ELCAN Spectre DR Optic. Thanks to all of you who participated! Enjoy the show!...
ELCAN Raffle Drawing to take place on 8/22/16!
The last ticket was sold yesterday morning and the drawing will take place at the National UDT Navy Seal Museum on Monday 8/22. Please click on the photo for more details! Thank you for helping Gunshine Arms support the only Memorial...
SBR ‘s make me smile…
My Blackhawk Custom Charon SBR was cleared for me to take possession of her yesterday. Details are inside. You can have one of these too. Just come see me....
Sunday Morning Concealed Carry Class…
Nice turnout this morning for the Concealed Carry Class. The next class date for September will be available at the end of this coming week and it will be posted on the website. Thanks to all who attended!...
Gun Cleaning Special for the month of August!
Action Repair is offering a SPECIAL on Gun Cleaning for the month of August. Cleaning service for weapons will be $10 per sidearm and $15 per rifle until the end of the month. Please click on the photo for details!...
IPOK and TORK Medical Kits on 8/10/16…
We all place emphasis on being prepared for the unexpected in our new reality. While that involves proper equipment and training for defense, it also means equipment and training for rendering medical assistance. Please click on the...