HANDGUNNER 101 (The Beginner’s Guide to Success)
The next course date is Saturday March 4th at 9am. The course will be given in Okeechobee. Please contact Shawn Ryan via email at shawnryan@vigilanceelite.com or by phone at 561-571-0019 for inquiries and reservations! Handgunner...
Flash Sale – S&W M&P Performance Center 5″ 9mm
Good afternoon all and Happy Valentines Day! In keeping with the day, this will be SWEET! You can have this Smith & Wesson M&P Performance Center 5" 9mm for $600.00 before tax and the $5 background check. She's sports a ported...
Some thoughts on the Immigration issue…
Current events, both pre and post election, have had an unusual amount of relevance for me both personally and professionally. Inside are my thoughts on the Immigration issue based on my interaction with an immigration process over...
A walk around Gunshine Arms on 2/9/17…
Just a little video tour of some of the gear here at Gunshine Arms this morning. If anything catches your eye, come on in for a closer look. Enjoy!...
Smith & Wesson M&P10 7.62Nato on 2/9/17…
If you are looking for a well made 7.62Nato Rifle that comes with a lifetime warranty, the Smith & Wesson M&P10 is a tremendous value. Come by and check it out....
Ruger AR556 Stripped Lowers & LCP II Pistols on 2/9/17…
Good morning all! There are four Ruger LCP II pistols and a nice catch of Ruger AR556 Stripped Lower Receivers. These have been hard to find items and they are priced right. Come on in and grab them while they are here....
1891 Colt Single Action Army .45Colt Authenticated By Colt…
This Colt Single Action Army was just authenticated by the Colt Historian as having been manufactured and shipped to Olsmith Arms Company in Guthrie, Oklahoma on April 23rd of 1891. For any interested collector, everything you need to...
Spike’s Tactical Stripped Lowers landed!
We just received a nice shipment of Spike's Tactical Stripped Lowers in and they arrived in multiple flavors. Zombie, Calico Jack, and traditional Spider Lower Receivers are in the shop. Happiness is a new Rifle build! Come in and...
Concealed Carry Class scheduled for Sunday 2/26/17 @ 9am
The next Concealed Carry Class is scheduled for Sunday February 26th at 9am. Enrollment is now open, so please contact us at 561-756-8415 or info@gunshinearms.com for reservations....
Traumatic Injury & Field Intervention Course 2/19/17 at Noon
The next Traumatic Injury & Field Intervention Course will be given on Sunday February 19th at Noon. This course will now incorporate the Nationally Accepted B-CON Certification Curriculum. Please click on the photo for details....