New Arrivals
USED GEM – Kimber Onyx Ultra II Special Edition .45acp…
This weapon is technically used as it was sold to a client of mine, but he never shot it so it is in NIB condition. There is a pretty serious break from the lowest price I can find on the internet on this weapon. Come see me if this...
Ruger Mark IV Hunter and Mark IV 22/45 Lite 3/23/17…
The Ruger Mark IV Hunter and Mark IV 22/45 Lite are two hard to find weapons at great prices. Come by the shop and take a might just leave with a new plinker!...
A walk around Gunshine Arms on 3/23/17…
There has been a lot of new and used inventory rampaging into the shop this much so that it's hard to keep up. Feel free to take a little walk around Gunshine Arms with the videos below and come see me if something catches...
Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Happy St. Paddy's Day to all of the shops friends and clients! Whatever you are up to today, remember Uber and Taxi's are your friend. Have one for me! Éirinn go Brách....
When the Saints come marching in…
When the Saints come marching in...Springfield Saints that is. Happy St. Paddy's Day to all! These Springfield Saint rifles have been a hard item to find of late. Two landed in the shop this morning. Please click on the photo for...
Used Gem: Gen2 Kriss Vector 10mm Rifle on 3/15/17…
If you ever thought a 10mm carbine was something you might want, come by the shop and put this Gen2 Kriss Vector in your hands. This thing is in pristine shape and equipped the way you want it....
SIG SAUER P220 MATCH ELITE DA/SA 10MM on 03/15/17…
Happy Humpday! It's back. It's been so long since I've seen one of these that I thought Sig stopped making them. This is the 10mm unicorn sidearm you've been looking for. Come get her....
Vigilance Elite welcomed me back to the shop…
Vigilance Elite welcomed me back to the shop...and it was funny as f#%$. It's always good to see Shawn and it's good to be back in the shop! Click on the flag to see the video!...
The shop is OPEN for business!
Just a pause for the cause to say thank you to all of you for your patience over the last week. The shop is OPEN for business and it's good to be back. Please click on the photo for a message from Gunshine Arms!...