New long guns today including Remington 870 Express 12ga. – 11/27/13
New long guns today including Remington 870 Express 12ga. – 11/27/13 We’ve got some familiar long guns back in the shop this morning. These all fall under the “shop favorites” category with out clients. Let’s get started. First, we h...
Happy Humpday from Gunshine Arms…
Happy Humpday from Gunshine Arms… Good morning all and Happy Humpday! I owe you guys a post from yesterday with some new long guns and there is ammunition and gun vaults coming in today, but this post is not about that. On my way to ...
Boca Raton City Council Legislative Watch – 11/26/2013
Boca Raton City Council Legislative Watch – 11/26/2013 Good evening all. Just a little heads up that there are some things going on in Boca Raton City Council tonight that are worthy of keeping an eye on. The Council is in session t...
Gunshine Arms will be OPEN on MONDAY through December…
Gunshine Arms will be OPEN on MONDAY through December… Just a reminder that our Holiday Season Schedule will begin in December. We will now be OPEN on Monday through Saturday 10am – 7pm. We will remain closed on Sundays. This sched...
More Magpul Accessories at Gunshine Arms on 11/26/13…
More Magpul Accessories at Gunshine Arms on 11/26/13… Good morning all. We have more Magpul Accessories in stock this morning which now include MOE Stocks, MOE Grips, MOE Handguards (carbine and mid length), AFG2’s, CTR Stocks, MVG’s, ...
Black Friday Sale at Gunshine Arms…
Black Friday Sale at Gunshine Arms… Hi all. Just a heads up that Ammunition and Accessories will be 10% off the tagged prices on Friday 11/29/13. Limits are 10 boxes per caliber per person. The only Ammunition Cases involved in the...
New Sidearms at Gunshine Arms today including Springfield XDS 9 11/21/2013…
New Sidearms at Gunshine Arms today including Springfield XDS… Hello all. We got some great new sidearms in today. We got a bunch of other stuff too but that post will come later on. Let’s get started on the sidearms! We received o...
Our next Concealed Carry Course is Sunday December 8th at 9am here at Gunshine Arms…
Our next Concealed Carry Course is Sunday December 8th at 9am here at Gunshine Arms… Our next Concealed Carry Course is scheduled for Sunday December 8th at 9am here at the shop. We are now taking reservations, so please contact us at ...
New Mossberg 930 SPX and Colt LE6920 long guns at Gunshine Arms 11/19/13…
Hi all. Sorry it’s a late post today. We received more than just the two long guns today but everything else already left the building. That being said, we have an arrival that has never been in the shop in the Mossberg 930 SPX, an...
Beautiful Browning Model 78 on consignment at Gunshine Arms 11/15/13…
Beautiful Browning Model 78 on consignment at Gunshine Arms 11/15/13… We got a beauty in on consignment today. Browning Model 78 Lever-Action Falling-Block Rifle (single-shot/ breech-loading/ smokeless powder/ cartridge ammunition). ...