December 2, 2013

Anderson Mfg. Lower Receivers on 12/2/2013…

Anderson Mfg. Lower Receivers on 12/2/2013… Afternoon all.  We received a nice shipment of Anderson Mfg. Lower Receivers today.  If you are looking to build your own AR, this is a great place to start. We got a good deal on these, and ...

November 29, 2013

Black Friday Sale at Gunshine Arms…

Black Friday Sale at Gunshine Arms… Good morning all.  We may all be moving a little slow after the feast yesterday but there is a reason to get off the couch today.  Ammunition and Accessories will be 10% off the tagged prices on Fri...

November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Gunshine Arms!

Happy Thanksgiving from Gunshine Arms! Hope everyone has a relaxing, happy and safe day tomorrow.  Remember we are open on Friday and there are great deals to be had.   As always, gobble gobble gobble