Next Concealed Carry Class is Sunday January 12th at 9am here at the shop…
Next Concealed Carry Class is Sunday January 12th at 9am here at the shop… The next Concealed Carry Class is scheduled for Sunday January 12th at 9am here at Gunshine Arms. There are still a couple of seats available. Please contact ...
FN Five-seveN Pistol on Consignment on 01/02/14…
FN Five-seveN Pistol on Consignment on 01/02/14… We have a good one to close out our first day of 2014. We just received an FN Five-seveN Pistol in Flat Dark Earth into the inventory. She is brand new, never fired, in box with all ...
Springfield Armory M1A Socom-16 on 1/2/14…
Springfield Armory M1A Socom-16 on 1/2/14… Good afternoon all. We have a great addition to the shop inventory this afternoon. The Springfield Armory M1A Socom-16 is in stock. This is the 16″ version of the venerable M1A rifle. T...
Smith & Wesson M&P9 Pro Series at Gunshine Arms this morning 01/01/2014…
Smith & Wesson M&P9 Pro Series at Gunshine Arms this morning 01/01/2014… Good morning all. We have a 2014 early morning addition to the inventory. The Smith & Wesson M&P9 Pro Series pistol arrived this morning. Bridging the gap bet...
We will be closing at 3PM on New Years Eve 12/31/2013…
We will be closing at 3PM on New Years Eve 12/31/2013… Gunshine Arms would like to wish all of you a safe, happy and healthy New Year. We will be closing at 3pm on New Years Eve unless there is an unexpected surge of business! If you...
New Sidearms today including Beretta 92A1 on 12/30/2013…
New Sidearms today including Beretta 92A1 on 12/30/2013… Hello all. We received a shipment of new sidearms today. Just a few to start off our Monday so let’s get started. First, we received a new Beretta 92A1 pistol chambered in 9mm....
Sidearms on consignment including H&K P30L 9MM and Sig Sauer P226 Elite 9MM on 12/28/13…
Sidearms on consignment including H&K P30L 9MM and Sig Sauer P226 Elite 9MM on 12/28/13… We’ve received some great weapons in on consignment to close out this year. They are quality weapons that are in great condition and they are pric...
New sidearms arrived today including Colt Gold Cup Trophy 1911…
New sidearms arrived today including Colt Gold Cup Trophy 1911… The Colt Gold Cup is known as the finest shooting semi-automatic in the world, and is the standard for competitive guns. The first Colt Gold Cup pistol was introduced in the...
It’s the day after Christmas, good morning!
Good morning all. Gunshine Arms hopes you all had a very Merry Christmas. We are open for business. All of the Christmas Flash Sale Promotions that we did not sell before Christmas, will stay at the promotional price until December...
Christmas Flash Sale Day 12 Auto Ordnance M1 Garand .30CAL on 12/24/2013…
Christmas Flash Sale Day 12 Auto Ordnance M1 Garand .30CAL on 12/24/2013… MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! Gunshine Arms is on DAY 12 of its Christmas Flash Sales. This is the last one. The Flash Sales are first come, first served and will be ...