New sidearms at Gunshine Arms including Sig Sauer M11-A1 on 01/16/14…
New sidearms at Gunshine Arms including Sig Sauer M11-A1 on 01/16/14… Good evening all. We received some great new sidearms today at the shop. Let’s get started with the Sig as she’s never been in the shop before. The Sig Sauer M11-A...
Noveske N4 Gen2 Billet Stripped Lowers, Accessories, and 870 Express Shotguns on 01/14/14…
Noveske N4 Gen2 Billet Stripped Lowers, Accessories, and 870 Express Shotguns on 01/14/14… We received new Noveske N4 Gen2 Billet Stripped Lowers, a pair of new Remington 870 Express 12 Gauge Shotguns with the 7 shot tubes, and a lot of ...
KEL-TEC RFB on Consignment at Gunshine Arms on 01/14/14…
KEL-TEC RFB on Consignment at Gunshine Arms on 01/14/14… Yup, you read that right. It’s like a unicorn just walked through my door and decided to settle down for 15 days (that’s the duration of the PBSO hold on consigned weapons…I don’...
Smith & Wesson M&P SHIELD Pistols in stock on 1/14/14…
Smith & Wesson M&P SHIELD Pistols in stock on 1/14/14… Afternoon all. We received a shipment of Smith & Wesson M&P SHIELD Pistols in today in both 9mm and .40SW. Smith & Wesson’s M&P SHIELD is a slim, concealable, lightweight, stri...
Some hard to find new weapons including Beretta CX4 Storm 9mm Carbine on 01/14/14…
Some hard to find new weapons including Beretta CX4 Storm 9mm Carbine on 01/14/14… Good morning all. We have some great new weapons to start off the week and there will be more coming in later today and tomorrow. The first new weapon...
The shop will close at 6pm Friday 1/10 and will reopen on Tuesday 1/14 at 10am…
The shop will close at 6pm Friday 1/10 and will reopen on Tuesday 1/14 at 10am… The shop will close today at 6pm and will reopen on Tuesday at 10am so that we can celebrate the life of, and mourn the loss of someone special. To those o...
A little information for our clients to chew on…
A little information for our clients to chew on… The shop will be open Monday through Saturday from 10am – 7pm through the end of January. Normally, we are closed on Mondays but it seems to be a favorite day of our clients. If you gu...
Colt LE6920 M4’s and a bunch of new ammunition on 1/7/14…
Colt LE6920 M4’s and a bunch of new ammunition on 1/7/14… Good evening all. We had a couple of late additions to the inventory this evening which included a pile of new ammunition and a pair of Colt LE6920 M4 rifles. Here is a pic of...
New Smith & Wesson Performance Center Revolvers on 1/7/14…
New Smith & Wesson Performance Center Revolvers on 1/7/14… Good morning all. We received some serious new Smith & Wesson Performance Center Revolvers this morning. Performance Center guns are created from the ground up. From hand-cut...
The Shop Will Be Closed Monday January 6th…
The Shop Will Be Closed Monday January 6th… Apologies to all, it’s unavoidable. The shop will open normal hours on Tuesday January 7th. Thank you for your understanding....