New sidearms including GLOCK 41 on 6/17/14…
New sidearms including GLOCK 41 on 6/17/14… Good afternoon all. We received a couple of new sidearms this afternoon. The new long slide GLOCK 41 seems to be gaining some traction out there with the folks that shoot .45acp (myself inc...
Just a reminder we are a drop off point for Gunsmith service 6/17/14…
Just a reminder we are a drop off point for Gunsmith service 6/17/14… Good afternoon all. Just a reminder that we are a drop off point for Gunsmith services from Action Repair which is an independent Certified Gunsmith Shop and Federa...
Happy Flag Day and Happy Birthday to the United States Army…
Happy Flag Day and Happy Birthday to the United States Army… Good morning all. Today commemorates the adoption of the Flag of the United States on this day in 1777. This day in 1775 also marks the adoption by Congress of the American...
CCI Mini-Mag is here 6/13/14…
CCI Mini-Mag is here 6/13/14… Good evening all. Last post of the day. CCI Mini-Mag .22LR in 100rd boxes are in. Happy Father’s Day! As always, thank you for reading the Blog at
New TALO Colt Lightweight Commander Elite .45acp on 6/13/14…
New COLT Lightweight Commander Elite .45acp on 6/13/14… Good afternoon all. It’s been a good day on the Blog and we are not slowing down now. We received a new TALO Colt Lightweight Commander Elite chambered in .45acp this afternoon....
Friday Trivia Quiz – 6/13/14 – UPDATE QUIZ ANSWERED!!
THANK YOU TO ANDREA OF BOCA RATON FOR BRINING IN THE CORRECT ANSWER WHICH WERE: 1. RESERVOIR DOGS 2. MR. PINK 3. SMITH & WESSON MODEL 659 Friday Trivia Quiz – 6/13/14… Happy Friday to all! There will be only one winner and when the T...
Wheel and Deal Sale for Father’s Day Today and Tomorrow…
Wheel and Deal Sale for Father’s Day Today and Tomorrow… Good morning all. Looking for a last minuted gift for Dad? We are going to do a two day Wheel and Deal Sale in honor of Father’s Day. The sale is in effect through tomorrow 6...
1800s Consignment Revolvers from Colt and Smith & Wesson 6/12/14…
1800s Consignment Revolvers from Colt and Smith & Wesson 6/12/14… Good afternoon all. It’s been a week for older weapons here in the shop and today brings us even further back. We received some very old wheel guns in on consignment t...
1st Annual Boca Raton FOP Officer Assistance Fundraiser
1st Annual Boca Raton FOP Officer Assistance Fundraiser Good afternoon all. Lodge #35 of the Fraternal Order of Police, located here in Boca Raton, is holding it’s First Annual Fundraiser for it’s Officer Assistance program. The Boca...
Used Smith & Wesson 340PD .357mag on 6/11/14…
Used Smith & Wesson 340PD .357mag on 6/11/14… Good afternoon all. The sky is still black in east Boca and it is raining by the bucket load out there right now. We took in a used revolver today that is ideal as a backup or concealed c...