July 18, 2014

Armalite AR10 Flat Top .308 on 7/18/14…

Armalite AR10 Flat Top .308 on 7/18/14… Good morning all.  We traded for an Armalite AR10 Flat Top .308Win/7.62Nato yesterday.  This weapon was test fired by another FFL so it can not be classified as new, but it’s as close as you are ...

July 17, 2014

New SIG SAUER P320 CARRY on 7/17/14…

New SIG SAUER P320 CARRY on 7/17/14… Good evening all.  We received another SIG SAUER P320 Carry this afternoon.  This is the second one in a week.  The first one was in the shop for about 3 hours before someone took her home.  She i...

July 15, 2014

Some CCI .22lr to start your Tuesday 7/15/14…

Some CCI .22lr to start your Tuesday 7/15/14… Good morning all.  Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  We received another shipment of CCI Mini Mag .22lr in this morning, so there is once again a couple of thousand rounds here in the shop...

July 8, 2014

Good morning!

Good morning! Good morning all!  It was a nice three day weekend for the shop and we hope everyone enjoyed it as much as Gunshine did.  We are back on normal hours opening at 10am this morning.  Come on in and see us!   As always,...