Goodbye 2016 and Hello 2017, Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2016 and Hello 2017, Happy New Year!



Good evening all!  The shop will be closed on Saturday December 31st and will re-open on Tuesday January 3rd, 2017 for normal hours.  Just typing 2017 brings a smile to my face.  Like most years, 2016 has been a long stretch with some very high points and some difficult points as well.  I have a lot to be thankful for both in my personal life and in my business.  Thank you to all of you that are reading this right now for your continued patronage and friendship.  I take pride in what I do for a living and none of it is possible without all of you.  Let’s all have a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 2017!  Happy New Year from Gunshine Arms!  As always, thank you for reading the Blog at