FRIDAY FLASH SALE – Ruger LCP II Pistols 12/23/16…

FRIDAY FLASH SALE – Ruger LCP II Pistols 12/23/16…



Twas the last Friday before Christmas and the FRIDAY FLASH SALES are coming to a close.  Todays FRIDAY FLASH SALE is a pair of the NEW Ruger LCP II pistols chambered in .380acp.  This 2nd generation gives you a substantial improvement in trigger and grip ergonomics as well as some nice slide serrations to make racking a little easier on such a small slide.  The FRIDAY FLASH SALE PRICE is $299.00 plus tax and the $5 background fee.  There are only two in the shop and when they are gone, the deal is done!  Come and pick yourself up a nice little pocket pistol for the holidays!  As always, thank you for reading the Blog at