Final Thoughts on the Clinton Campaign…

Final Thoughts on the Clinton Campaign…


I think I’ve finally caught up after having been out of the shop during election week.  Thank you to all who expressed concern over my disappearance to attend to a family emergency during the tail end of last week.  Everything is back on track and your messages and calls make me realize how much of an impact my shop has on this community, as well as how much of an impact this community has on me.  It’s nice to be writing for all of you again.

Welcome back to life as usual…or at least that’s what we should be saying.  There seems to me to be a lot of folks out there that don’t want to accept the results of an election that was conducted lawfully.  You are all aware of the variety of problems that Gunshine Arms had with the Clinton campaign here in Boca.  No need to rehash that again.  It is worth noting that PEACEFUL protests are the right of American Citizens.  Being manipulated into violent protests doesn’t make anyone a freedom fighter.  It is literally bucking against your own freedom by resorting to violence to subvert an election that was legally conducted and concluded.

I needed to write a little bit to find closure after the last two months, but I’m not going to word you all to death.  At the end of the day I got what I wanted on the grand scale while suffering on the personal, or small, scale to get there.  My business will recover thanks to all of you, and the country has a better chance of finding itself again going forward thanks to all of us.  Thank you Boca Raton for supporting my business.  Thank you America for making sure that the person below isn’t going to be the force driving our country come January.



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