February starts the annual GLOCK Party…

February starts the annual GLOCK Party…

Good afternoon all.  It’s February again, which means that there will be a ton of GLOCK pistols headed this way over the next month.  The shop received it’s first wave today which included three GLOCK 17 Gen4 Pistols and two GLOCK 21 Gen4 Pistols.  All of the Gen4 Pistols come with three magazines (17 rounders for the 9mm Model 17, and 13 rounders for the .45acp Model 21) and multiple backstraps that allow you to customize the grip profile to better suit your hands.  These are unbelievably reliable and durable sidearms.  It’s very hard to match what you get for the price with other manufacturers which is what makes the GLOCK lineup as popular as it is.

Glock Party


As always, thank you for reading the Blog at gunshinearms.com  GLOCK Party starts now!