Traumatic Injury & Field Intervention Class was Awesome…

Traumatic Injury & Field Intervention Class was Awesome…

Todays Traumatic Injury & Field Intervention Class was Awesome!  I want to thank Mike for teaching and doing a great job making the class understandable and fun for lay people like myself.  Knowing a thing and being able to teach that thing are very different abilities.  The current state of our world makes this class all the more important to have under your belt as a proactive citizen of this country.

There will be more of these classes as there is already interest from other folks to attend.  I also want to thank all who attended.  I realize in hindsight that Sunday afternoon at 1pm might not have been the best time to schedule this class during the 2nd week of football season, but this was when we could make it work.  I’m happy you all made it and that everyone enjoyed the class as much as I did.

It ended up being a three and a half hour course and no one was bored in the least.  It was a nice split of hands on and lecture with some great presentation preparation.  Here is a small sample of us in the hands on portion of the class today. I’ll let you all know when the next one will be.  Have a great Sunday night all.  As always, thank you for reading the Blog at





