Shop closing at 2pm today thru July 6th…


Shop closing at 2pm today thru July 6th…



EYES TALONSGood morning all!  Today is Wednesday June 17th.  Just one last reminder that the shop will close at 2pm today and will not reopen until July 7th for normal business hours.  Please do NOT initiate FFL transfers during this time.  All transfers will be sent back to their point of origin.  I would like to thank all of you for the heartfelt notes, presents, and congratulations.  It means a lot to us to have so many friends of the shop that are also our friends too.  All of our clients have made this business grow, which allows it to continue to serve our community better and better every year.  You are all very much appreciated.  We hope that everyone enjoys a happy and safe 4th of July.  Celebrate our nations birthday with a smile on your face, a beverage in your hand, and pride in our nation.  Our country will always have it’s issues, but it is still the best country on earth.

If you happen to swing by the shop while it’s closed, remember to smile for all of the folks that are watching you.  See you all on the 7th!

As always, thank you for reading the Blog at