Boca Raton City Council Legislative Watch – 11/26/2013

Boca Raton City Council Legislative Watch – 11/26/2013

Good evening all.  Just a little heads up that there are some things going on in Boca Raton City Council tonight that are worthy of keeping an eye on.  The Council is in session tonight to, amongst other things, approve their legislative agenda.  These agendas are packaged together so that they exist under a sort of legislative umbrella.  Council Member Anthony Majhess has asked that certain parts of the packaged legislative agenda be separated out from under that umbrella in order for them to be voted on individually.

Included in the legislative agenda is the City Council’s push to use Tax Payer Dollars to pay a Lobbyist to forward certain points of view in the state capitol of Tallahassee.  Council Member Majhess does not wish for these points in the City Council’s agenda to be pushed through without notice or accountability for both it’s fiscal and ideological effect on the City of Boca Raton.  On the state level, the Boca Raton City Council legislative agenda would pump Tax Payer dollars into a lobbyist in Tallahassee whose primary goal would be to revert to a law that was already found to be unconstitutional.  This law relates to the the ability to carry a concealed weapon inside city hall.  Florida State Statute 790.06 states that it is only illegal to carry a concealed weapon inside city hall during any meeting of a governing body.  When Council is not in session, common sense says that Law Abiding Citizens shouldn’t have to leave a weapon, that they are Licensed by the State of Florida to carry concealed, in their vehicle with only a thin piece of glass separating it from disappearing into the wrong hands when they enter City Hall.  As stated above, the law that the Legislative Agenda hopes to revert to by giving your Tax Payer dollars to a Lobbyist was declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  The second point in the agenda that the Lobbyist is being paid to push against is Open Carry in Florida.  We do not have Open Carry in Florida at this time, so I will leave it up to you to decide whether your Tax Payer Dollars are well spent fighting something that doesn’t exist here.

I’m not going to try and tell you what is wrong or right with the proposed legislative agenda as it pertains to us.  You are more than capable of reaching an intelligent conclusion on your own.  I appreciate that Council Member Anthony Majhess is diligent in keeping our interests in mind, and continues to shed light on important issues so that a better understanding can be had as to what initiatives are being targeted with your Tax Dollars.  Your agreement or disagreement is best displayed with a vote on election day when it comes to city government.

Boca Raton City Hall

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